An interesting feature of this home is that it has different living spaces where guests can enjoy a high...
Welcome to Mikelenea
Stay at a typical VXII century home in the valley of Larraun. Enjoy the relaxation as well as the activities offered by our lodge. Visit us and be welcomed by the live tradition of our rural home and its surroundings.
Rural Home
of Mikelenea
“Where you will
feel at home”
Our home is located in the livestock town of Arruitz, in the Valley of Larraun, Navarra. We invite you to immerse yourself in agrotourism and disconnect from the stressful city life. Mikelenea is comprised of two homes, MikeleneaHandi and MikeleneaTxiki.
Rural Home of Mikelenea, a peaceful
spot in a far away town.
2 Homes to Choose from
MikeleneaHandi and MikeleneaTxiki, is the perfect rural accommodation for large groups with children. We have game areas for children as well as meeting and relaxation areas for adults. Choose the one that best adapts to your needs.
Built where the old MikeleneaHandi’s storage rooms were located, it consists of two floors. This home also has central...
Why choose Mikelenea?
Enjoy the Surroundings:
Arruitz is a small livestock town with a population of 60 and located in the Mountain of Navarra. It is surrounded by meadows where the livestock graze. Oak and beech forests complete the landscape of this spot, which is ideal for trekking.
Small town located at the foot of Aralar Mountain Range. Nearby you can visit the valley of Ultzama or the area of Lekunberri, at the foot of the Aralar range, with the Via Verde del Plazaola (Plazaola Green Route) or the cave of Medukilo.
Después de las tormentas podemos pasear por el bosque para recoger los frutos que nos ofrece, podemos coger hosgos, gibelurdinas, zizoris, champiñones…
El día 9 de mayo Navarra abre las puertas a Aragón y la Rioja. Os esperamos para que disfrutéis de nuestro entorno: los bosques, el rio. No os apetece hacer una salida corta con vuestros amigos? Os esperamos.. Animaros!!!
Os hemos preparado un bonito paseo junto al rio Larraun siguiendo la vía verde del Plazaola. Empezando en la Venta Vieja de Mugiro pasareis por la cascada Ixkier y podréis ver las ruedas de molino allí expuestas…Un paseo ideal...